2021 Tax Refund Calculator
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Estimate your largest tax return yet with our 2021 Tax Refund Calculator.
Check out this great resource for estimating your 2021 Tax Refund or finding out how much you will owe in 2021 on our sister website.
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We want to make sure you get every dollar you’re entitled to.
Our 2021 Tax Refund Calculator should help you prepare for next year.
This tax refund calculator is solely an estimation tool and should only be used to estimate your tax liability or refund. It should not be used for any other purpose, such as preparing a federal income tax return, or to estimate anything other than your own personal tax liability. We do not save the information you enter.
This tax calculator is provided on an as-is and as-available basis. We make no warranty for any use of the calculator, including its accuracy or completeness. Your use of the calculator indicates your acceptance of these terms.
2021 irs tax calculator
This is sarcasm, I hope?
its still going to be usal time
your level of hated is really delusional.
John Roark facts are facts
Wi furke is a every year thing blame Obama is just lame fact.
What are you even trying to say here?
For real!! No one is blaming him right now for low gas prices!! Smh
Why would they do that, when it’s benefitting them…it’s ok as long as it benefits. 🙂 I mean, it benefits ME too, but I’m not on here throwing stones at all kinds of people because my refund is SLOW. lol. Ridiculous. I’m beginning to wonder if the air is just polluted with “delusion and hatred”…because this seems to be the way A LOT of “grown people” are acting these days. It really makes me sick and disgusts me! What the hell is really happening to people!?!? There’s always been such people but it seems like its 100x worse, or is it just that we have the WORLD wide web now so we can see it in ALL forms and from ALL places? lol…but seriously! 😉
It is because you have access to more people’s thoughts now via the internet. Stupidity has always been around as long as man has walked the earth. It is common knowledge that most humans are ignorant, why do you think some countries have been inhabited longer than others but yet they are under developed. The United States hasn’t been around as long as a lot of other countries, but yet it is far more evolved than other countries. I’ll prove my point right now, look at the post below mine, a certain someone has no idea about the point you are trying to make. Completely oblivious to something so simple. Big simple words so you understand what Rachel and Apple are saying: THEY ARE TALKING ABOUT PEOPLE BLAMING OBAMA FOR THEIR TAX REFUND, THEN SAYING THEY ARE NOT BLAMING HIM FOR LOW GAS PRICES BECAUSE IT BENEFITS THEM. In short, ignorant people need someone to put blame on and the president is usually the primary target considering he is responsible for “everything that goes wrong in the country”. This happens with every president, which is why I don’t vote, because I think every president f@#&$ something up, no one is perfect. A friend, who is really into politics, once told me that it can take years for some of the decisions presidents make to really take effect on society and by that time another president is in office. So if it has a negative effect the current president takes the blame. By this time next year we will be putting the blame on the next president, not the VP, or the treasurer, or secretary of state, and not Obama, but the new president. Hopefully it is not that rich bastard whose toupee looks like a dead squirrels butt, or more commonly known as Donald Trump. Just imagine what will happen to gas prices if a republican does get into office. This is why I am enjoying the low gas prices now, $1.32/g. Anyways stop being ignorant you idiots, Obama doesn’t have anything to do with the amount of income tax you receive or how long it takes to receive it. I think he has more important matters to attend to.
It is because you have access to more people’s thoughts now via the internet. Stupidity has always been around as long as man has walked the earth. It is common knowledge that most humans are ignorant, why do you think some countries have been inhabited longer than others but yet they are under developed. The United States hasn’t been around as long as a lot of other countries, but yet it is far more evolved than other countries. I’ll prove my point right now, look at the post below mine, a certain someone has no idea about the point you are trying to make. Completely oblivious to something so simple. Big simple words so you understand what Rachel and Apple are saying: THEY ARE TALKING ABOUT PEOPLE BLAMING OBAMA FOR THEIR TAX REFUND, THEN SAYING THEY ARE NOT BLAMING HIM FOR LOW GAS PRICES BECAUSE IT BENEFITS THEM. In short, ignorant people need someone to put blame on and the president is usually the primary target considering he is responsible for “everything that goes wrong in the country”. This happens with every president, which is why I don’t vote, because I think every president f@#&$ something up, no one is perfect. A friend, who is really into politics, once told me that it can take years for some of the decisions presidents make to really take effect on society and by that time another president is in office. So if it has a negative effect the current president takes the blame. By this time next year we will be putting the blame on the next president, not the VP, or the treasurer, or secretary of state, and not Obama, but the new president. Hopefully it is not that rich bastard whose toupee looks like a dead squirrels butt, or more commonly known as Donald Trump. Just imagine what will happen to gas prices if a republican does get into office. This is why I am enjoying the low gas prices now, $1.32/g. Anyways stop being ignorant you idiots, Obama doesn’t have anything to do with the amount of income tax you receive or how long it takes to receive it. I think he has more important matters to attend to.
Lol….ummmm #1 you shouldn't count on money you don't have…#2 the delay is not Obama's fault. SMH. Last year you couldn't file until the 31st, this year the 20th, can you not say anything positive?
taxes are confusing bigtime! thanks Uncle Sam!!!
Thank you Obama!!!! My biggest return yet.
what a maroon
Ahahaha. What a “maroon” – lmfao. Oh man. Priceless. Moron.
Wow! You have to be kidding Lisa! Have you never seen Bugs Bunny!!??? What a lame and ignorant comment! I hope you realize just how immensely stupid you made yourself out to be! Do you even have two viable brain cells to rub together??
LOL. I would say no. You know the saying, “You have two brain cells left and they are fighting to the death”. Well I think in this case they decided to team up and planned a murder suicide. 😉
LOL. I would say no. You know the saying, “You have two brain cells left and they are fighting to the death”. Well I think in this case they decided to team up and planned a murder suicide. 😉
Love it! We all see who the real maroon is here by trying to insult you. Lol
for those who don't pay taxes but are getting a refund because I do, hope you all choke on it.
what a jackhole, I bet youre fun at birthday parties.
He’s right. I have to pay in every year. There are 2 types of people in this country: makers and takers. I guess we know which group you fall under
you dont know sh1t about me turdburglar.. I can tell you this much, I dont come on tax sites to air my political horsecrap.. that makes me 5x the person you are. effing moron
No, what makes you 5x the person is that you called them a turdburglar! ?
Ha. You beat me to it. I was about to comment about the turdburglar insult myself, or lack thereof. You can tell by the poor grammar and severely idiotic language DD is either a 20 some year old high school drop out working at McDonald’s, or someone who barely squeaked by high school while smoking tons of pot the whole time. DD probably still lives with mommy and daddy taking Bong hits in the basement between the hours of assembling Big Mac’s. I wouldn’t pay any attention to such a troglodyte. BTW “effing moron” I would like fries with that! 🙂
Ha. You beat me to it. I was about to comment about the turdburglar insult myself, or lack thereof. You can tell by the poor grammar and severely idiotic language DD is either a 20 some year old high school drop out working at McDonald’s, or someone who barely squeaked by high school while smoking tons of pot the whole time. DD probably still lives with mommy and daddy taking Bong hits in the basement between the hours of assembling Big Mac’s. I wouldn’t pay any attention to such a troglodyte. BTW “effing moron” I would like fries with that! 🙂
You want to run your mouth about makers and takers? So I guess you post an ignorant assumption on here? People who get refunds are not all lazy welfare cases! We are getting a refund back would you like to know WHY? It’s called paying in your federal all year and making sure it’s enough or over what you need or if you have children you get your EARNED INCOME CREDIT!! I have worked the last year 40 hours a week (nights) (in school full time) w/ 3 kids and my husband has worked over 50 to 60 hours a week his whole life!!! And before you ask NO We DONT GET ANY KIND OF GOV ASSISTANCE!! So I guess that’s LAZY TO YOU??? We made over 75000 and worked our butts off!!! Think before you speak next time!! I get their are lazy people who use the system O seen it every night while working at the Jail!! Yes it’s frustrating..
Little butthurt are we?
Can we also blame Obama for the fact that so, so many adults can’t figure out how to construct a basic, legible sentence, which might even (GASP!) have words that are spelled correctly?
probably not. He seems quite literate himself.
Hell, what about the unamerican ignoramous that didn’t even get the Bugs Bunny reference!!?
No, you know what IS sad… ADULTS pay and file taxes….therefore there are supposed to be all ADULTS here on this TAX forum…correct? YES. Then WHY are a bunch of “ADULTS” acting like CHILDREN, name calling, whining, complaining, and placing blame on any other person they can put blame on?! This is WHY America is the way it is, and I see this time and time again everywhere I go online, YouTube, forums, blogs, etc. etc. This IS the definition of PATHETIC. GROW UP and come comment, “discuss & debate” or whatever it is you need to do, about things like the ADULTS your suppose to be! I’m so tired of seeing stuff like this and because I’m CALLING THEM OUT, I know I’ll be hissed at and called some kind of name OR names too….but that’s ok with me, it only proves me right and shows exactly WHO is pathetic and needs to grow the “F” up. 🙂 Good day people. 😉
First of all Rachael Ray is hot, I want to marry her :). Now about your comment. I do agree with the point you are trying to get across. I, myself am guilty of name calling and such, but only as a defense or to get a point across when someone acts like an idiot online. Just because someone is a tax paying “ADULT” does not mean they are a man or woman. The law states you are an “Adult” at 18, but we all know, at least those of us who are actual mature adults, that just because you are legally an adult does not mean you are grown up. Not until I was in my mid 20’s , after a divorce and a child, did I actually become a man. We are partially to blame for these immature “adults” online as we set our standards to high and think they can handle simple little responsibilities due to their age. It will only get worse as parents these days are no where near as strict and punitive towards their children as I am with mine, and my parents with me. This new generation is pathetic, as it seems the roles are reversed and the kids are the parents, considering how I have seen how some kids talk to their parents. No one should get on here and call you names for pointing this out, but you might have tried to word it differently as you contradicted yourself by writing a post about people complaining and name calling, then calling people children and pathetic in a complaining manner. Yes a lot of us are tired of seeing this BS, but we have two choices: 1. Join the conversation and make fun of these people in a superior manner, or 2. Ignore them, as this is not going to go away. Good day Rachael Rae.
p.s. Come make me some food 😉
First of all Rachael Ray is hot, I want to marry her :). Now about your comment. I do agree with the point you are trying to get across. I, myself am guilty of name calling and such, but only as a defense or to get a point across when someone acts like an idiot online. Just because someone is a tax paying “ADULT” does not mean they are a man or woman. The law states you are an “Adult” at 18, but we all know, at least those of us who are actual mature adults, that just because you are legally an adult does not mean you are grown up. Not until I was in my mid 20’s , after a divorce and a child, did I actually become a man. We are partially to blame for these immature “adults” online as we set our standards to high and think they can handle simple little responsibilities due to their age. It will only get worse as parents these days are no where near as strict and punitive towards their children as I am with mine, and my parents with me. This new generation is pathetic, as it seems the roles are reversed and the kids are the parents, considering how I have seen how some kids talk to their parents. No one should get on here and call you names for pointing this out, but you might have tried to word it differently as you contradicted yourself by writing a post about people complaining and name calling, then calling people children and pathetic in a complaining manner. Yes a lot of us are tired of seeing this BS, but we have two choices: 1. Join the conversation and make fun of these people in a superior manner, or 2. Ignore them, as this is not going to go away. Good day Rachael Rae.
p.s. Come make me some food 😉