IRS Statement on 2018 Filing Season Start Date
The IRS have released a statement regarding the first official day to file taxes in 2018.
The IRS Statement on 2018 Filing Season Start Date is basically that there is still no official date. Due to all of the current legislature going on regarding tax laws, there is no official start date for 2017 Tax Season.
The IRS has not yet announced a date that it will begin accepting individual tax returns for the 2018 tax filing season. At the present time, the IRS is continuing to update its programming and processing systems for 2018. In addition, the IRS continues to closely monitor potential legislation that could affect the 2018 tax season, including a number of “extender” tax provisions that expired at the end of 2016 that could potentially be renewed for tax year 2017 by Congress.
The IRS will announce the first official day that 2017 tax returns will be accepted later this year(2017.) We will post this information as soon as we know anything.
The IRS anticipates it will not be at a point to announce a filing season start date until later in the calendar year. The IRS will continue to work closely with the nation’s tax professionals and software community as preparations continue for the 2018 tax filing season.
The IRS also shot down reports of the first acceptance day being January 22nd, 2017. The official word is still that no official date is set.
Speculation on the Internet that the IRS will begin accepting tax returns on Jan. 22 or after the Martin Luther King Jr. Day holiday in January is inaccurate and misleading; no such date has been set.
They also shot down all of the refund charts on the web and referred everyone to the 10-21 days after tax return acceptance.
In addition, the IRS cautions taxpayers from relying on misleading refund charts on the internet that project tax refund dates. Any speculation about refund dates in 2018 is premature. In addition, these refund charts can overlook that many different factors affect the timing of tax refunds, ranging from the accuracy of information on the return to whether a taxpayer files electronically. In addition, the IRS and state revenue departments have increased their security protocols against identity theft and refund fraud, which also can affect the timing of federal and state refunds. Source.
We are We have been publishing an IRS Refund Schedule since 2012. We have had to change this schedule every year(slightly) because of changes made to legislature. We do not claim that our schedule is law, it is estimation based on prior year information as well as any tax news published by the IRS or other official sources.
Please understand that even the IRS does not know exactly when they will begin processing your tax return. Our Refund Schedule changes, so please just check it every few days and continue using our Where’s My Tax Refund app to check our estimated refund date. Also, use the IRS Where’s My Refund tool to see if you have an official date set by the IRS.
Please be patient, new laws change everything and we have a new president and new tax code coming into affect soon.
Thank you for reading.