2016 IRS Refund Cycle Chart for 2015 Tax Year.
Tax Refund E-File Direct Deposit Information. 2016 Refund Schedule
This is the schedule for 2016 IRS Refund Cycle Chart. Updated for Tax Season 2016. Direct Deposit and Check date’s below. Please see *disclaimer. 2016 tax refund schedule is listed below for information purposes. Find out when you’re state income tax refund will be in. Are you stuck on one bar at Where’s My Refund? Find out why. When should I get my IRS Tax Refund in 2016?
The IRS have now taken down their E-File system to prepare for Tax Season 2017. Check out the updated 2018 Refund Schedule.
Estimate your 2017 Tax Refund before you file with our 2017 Tax Refund Calculator. Income Tax Refund Dates 2016
Update January 27th, 2016: IRS set first Direct Deposit Dates for early tax filers in 2016. Due to the recent outage, the IRS could experience a Tax Delay in 2016, read more.
The IRS officially announced the first day to file taxes 2016 is January 19th, 2016. Also, the IRS has began accepting tax returns for testing purposes in 2016. We have updated our 2016 E-File Cycle Chart below to reflect this update, read more here. Get the “Where’s my refund?” app on Android & Apple IPhone and IPad App. Our 2016 IRS Refund Cycle Chart Below.
IRS accepted on or after | IRS accepted on or before | Tax Refund Direct Deposit | Tax Refund Check Sent |
1/11/16 testing phase | 1/19/16 | 1/29/16 to 2/10/16 *** | 1/30/16 to 2/10/16 *** |
1/19/16 *Official | 1/29/16 | 2/10/16 | 2/10/16 |
1/29/16 | 2/5/16 | 2/12/16 | 2/13/16 |
2/5/16 | 2/12/16 | 2/19/16 | 2/20/16 |
2/12/16 | 2/19/16 | 2/26/16 | 2/27/16 |
2/19/16 | 2/26/16 | 3/4/16 | 3/5/16 |
2/26/16 | 3/4/16 | 3/11/16 | 3/12/16 |
3/4/16 | 3/11/16 | 3/18/16 | 3/19/16 |
3/11/16 | 3/18/16 | 3/25/16 | 3/26/16 |
3/18/16 | 3/25/16 | 4/1/16 | 4/2/16 |
3/25/16 | 4/1/16 | 4/8/16 | 4/9/16 |
4/1/16 | 4/8/16 | 4/15/16 | 4/16/16 |
4/8/16 | 4/15/16 | 4/22/16 | 4/23/16 |
4/15/16 | 4/22/16 | 4/29/16 | 4/30/16 |
4/22/16 | 4/29/16 | 5/6/16 | 5/7/16 |
4/29/16 | 5/6/16 | 5/13/16 | 5/14/16 |
5/6/16 | 5/13/16 | 5/20/16 | 5/21/16 |
5/13/16 | 5/20/16 | 5/27/16 | 5/28/16 |
5/20/16 | 5/27/16 | 6/3/16 | 6/4/16 |
5/27/16 | 6/3/16 | 6/10/16 | 6/11/16 |
6/3/16 | 6/10/16 | 6/17/16 | 6/18/16 |
6/10/16 | 6/17/16 | 6/24/16 | 6/25/16 |
6/17/16 | 6/24/16 | 7/1/16 | 7/2/16 |
6/24/16 | 7/1/16 | 7/8/16 | 7/9/16 |
7/1/16 | 7/8/16 | 7/15/16 | 7/16/16 |
7/8/16 | 7/15/16 | 7/22/16 | 7/23/16 |
7/15/16 | 7/22/16 | 7/29/16 | 7/30/16 |
7/22/16 | 7/29/16 | 8/5/16 | 8/6/16 |
7/29/16 | 8/5/16 | 8/12/16 | 8/13/16 |
8/5/16 | 8/12/16 | 8/19/16 | 8/20/16 |
8/12/16 | 8/19/16 | 8/26/16 | 8/27/16 |
8/19/16 | 8/26/16 | 9/2/16 | 9/3/16 |
8/26/16 | 9/2/16 | 9/9/16 | 9/10/16 |
9/2/16 | 9/9/16 | 9/16/16 | 9/17/16 |
9/9/16 | 9/16/16 | 9/23/16 | 9/24/16 |
9/16/16 | 9/23/16 | 9/30/16 | 10/1/16 |
9/23/16 | 9/30/16 | 10/7/16 | 10/8/16 |
9/30/16 | 10/7/16 | 10/14/16 | 10/15/16 |
10/7/16 | 10/14/16 | 10/21/16 | 10/22/16 |
10/14/16 | 10/21/16 | 10/28/16 | 10/29/16 |
10/21/16 | 10/28/16 | 11/4/16 | 11/5/16 |
10/28/16 | 11/4/16 | 11/11/16 | 11/12/16 |
11/4/16 | 11/11/16 | 11/18/16 | 11/19/16 |
11/11/16 | 11/18/16 | 11/25/16 | 11/26/16 |
11/18/16 | 11/25/16 | 12/2/16 | 12/3/16 |
11/25/16 | 12/2/16 | 12/9/16 | 12/10/16 |
12/2/16 | 12/9/16 | 12/16/16 | 12/17/16 |
12/9/16 | 12/16/16 | 12/23/16 | 12/24/16 |
12/16/16 | 12/23/16 | 12/30/16 | 12/31/16 |
12/23/16 | 12/30/16 | 1/6/17 | 1/7/17 |
12/30/16 | 1/6/17 | 1/13/17 | 1/14/17 |
Want a chance to have your 2016 Tax Refund matched? Check out our post. This contest doesn’t cost any money to apply.
*** The first week of Direct Deposit Dates will be split into two different Refund Dates January 29th and February 5th due to a system glitch with the IRS.*These are only estimates, the I.R.S. has refused to give exact dates to new audit process. ADVANCED USERS: The IRS does release their Processing, Production, and Posting Cycle, read more. There are no guarantees with the I.R.S this year, but one thing is for sure: The earlier you file, the earlier you will receive a return. Check the status of your 2016 Tax Refund on the I.R.S.’s Where’s My Refund tool. 2016 IRS income Tax Refund Schedule. IRS Income Tax 2016 news. IRS Tax Season 2016 details. 2016 Income Tax Refund Status. Were you accepted but not approved, find out what that means.
2015 tax return schedule
2016 tax refund schedule
irs refund schedule 2016 | 2016 Tax Season |
2016 tax refund cycle chart | |
tax chart for 2016 | IRS Refund Timeline 2016 |
refund calendar | Tax Refund Calculator |
tax return payout schedule
when does 2016 tax season start? When should I get my Tax Refund?
What is the IRS Refund Schedule?
There hasn’t been an official IRS Refund Schedule since 2011 Tax Season. We started in 2012 creating a similar IRS Refund Schedule for our viewers. We have continued each year to create a reliable updated IRS Refund Schedule. Each year we have dealt with changes by the IRS, but we continue to keep the most updated Refund Schedule on the web. We keep up with the IRS and tax laws passed through the house and congress to give everyone a reliable tax schedule. We use prior year dates, IRS news, and our viewer input to put together the IRS Refund Schedule. We always welcome input on the schedule and feel free to comment below if you find any problems with our tax schedule. We use the term IRS Refund Schedule to represent the federal government tax refund versus your state refund. We are not attempting to pretend to be the IRS. We are in no relation to the federal government. We are a private entity owned by an individual. We estimate our 2016 Tax Chart using actual user data submitted through our webpage and social media.
Find out what the future holds for 2018. Check out our 2018 Refund Schedule.